Why Business Owners Need to Join Networking Communities

70% of freelancers say they’ve felt lonely, disconnected, or isolated. But that’s not stopping nearly half of the global workforce – 1.57 billion people – from being self-employed. The need for online business networking communities has never been more relevant. But what is online networking, how do you know whether you have a strong network, and what benefits do business owners get out of it? We’ll tell you.

What and Who is Business Networking For

Professional success hinges on relationships. Business networking is a way to build and nurture those connections you make along the way. 

If you’re a small business owner, freelancer, or remote worker then networking should be a weekly activity. Brand awareness should be top of mind for you (especially if you don’t have a physical storefront) and attending webinars, conferences, or community events is a great way to do that.

But how will you know when you’ve built a strong network? Let’s talk about the characteristics and results of a quality business network. 

What a Strong Network Is and Isn’t

You want the people in your circle to trust, respect, and recommend you. That’s why a strong network is:

  • About the quality of your connections 

  • Fuel for personal and professional growth 

  • Something that takes time and effort to build

A strong network isn’t:

  • About the number of people you know 

  • Only for extroverts 

  • Going to fall in your lap

While other businesses are running ads, cold emailing, or using outside lead generation services, those networking the right way are getting referrals, being recommended in rooms they’ve never been in, and booking out sustainably and organically.

5 Benefits of a Networking Community

Now that you know the features of a strong network, here are 5 reasons for why you should join a community (or communities) instead of doing business alone.

1. Personal and professional development and connection opportunities

Typically, business communities host monthly or quarterly events. Whether it's networking, upskilling, brainstorming, or coworking, these are virtual or in-person opportunities to meet other like-minded professionals. This puts you and your business in front of others who may want to work with you in the future or can refer your services to a client. 

2. Instant feedback and advice from other successful entrepreneurs

Tough conversations happen often in business, but it doesn’t make them easy or fun. So what happens when you have an important call in 2 hours and need someone to hype you up? As a remote worker, who are you going to reach out to? If you’re smart, someone in your community that you already know and trust – not a random person in your favorite Facebook Group.

3. Be the first pick for quality referrals

Want to build brand awareness, a good reputation, and be first in line for referrals? Join a networking community! People want to work with people they trust. You foster trust by a long-term commitment to nurture the relationships you build with people inside and outside of your industry. 

4. Get support from people who get it

There are going to be rough patches in your journey. Communities help you through in – either with knowledge and strategy or sheer moral support. While your best friend or partner can offer words of encouragement, no one gets business woes like other business owners. When you need the reminder that imposter syndrome is normal, your rates aren’t too high, or your new idea is worth pursuing, your community is there for you.

5. Have a network of trusted business owners on your side

When it comes time for you to refer leads or collaborate on a project, successful business owners have a network of people they trust to call on. This network can also send or tag you in curated job opportunities because they know you and what you do.

Your New Favorite Remote Business Communities

As a business owner, you need to surround yourself with people who want the best for you personally and professionally. When you join a networking community full of other dedicated members, you do just that. You allow yourself to flourish.

So attend a local networking event. Schedule a chat with another freelancer. Join an online community. Whatever you do, never stop building personal and professional relationships. Your career will thank you.

Looking for an online community and business network to support you on your journey? 

Whether we’re a good fit or not, we encourage you to apply and join other communities, directories, and memberships too. The ones we can personally recommend are: 


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